Friday, September 19, 2008


Well, I've finally given into the fridge pic thing that has taken over our local blogosphere. I wanted to do it right off but I thought I'd re-do the fridge to make it funny (including cleaning off the top) but others have seemed to be honest about it... so here it is. Better late than never.
I had a cabinet get in my way of a good side corner shot so instead of any work, I just did two shots. And don't ask... I don't know what the weird stain is on the ice maker. I better go clean it.


Charlotte said...

You know a lot of people.

Kyle said...

Nice. Thank you.

George said...

Where's me? I mean, I know I'm not a Prudential Insurance agent worthy of numerous business card magnets, but I figured I'd be on there in my bowling shirt at least as a joke.

Alan said...

I want a Buck's Pizza or perhaps a sandwich from Dukes. In any case, I am impressed because Campbell's Soup Co. was one of the only businesses in which stock went up this week. I hope that your investments are a reflection of your fridge.
Buck's Pizza, however, lost ~20%.